SAMrI Educational Robot
Educational and Exciting robotics kits that puts all elements of fabrication in the users hands. Build and modify your robot to be a competition Sumo Wrestler, Line Follower, or maze-solving system.
Easy to program with Arduino (c) operating system but very expandable through 3D printable parts or LEGO(c) Technics components.
Expandable with optional servo's, serial IO cards, breadboards, and many other accessories.
Based on the SAMrINO micro-controller system, this circuit board includes a powerful L298 4Amp motor controller for maximum upgradability
Learn about:
- Gearbox design
- Programming
- Electronics Fabrication
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Competition Robotics
- Comes in several colours
Support information
Link to assembally instructions
Link to 3D printed optional parts
Link to programming instructions
Link to experiments